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Skynörvunar boltar - Glimmer

Skynörvunar boltar - Glimmer

Regular price 6.290 kr
Regular price Sale price 6.290 kr
Útsala Uppselt
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Frábærir skynörvunar boltar frá Tickit® með heillandi glitrandi stjörnuryki sem hringsnýst inni í boltunum þegar þeir eru hreyfðir. Fangar ímyndunaraflið og bætir einbeitingu.

Settið inniheldur 7 bolta í rauðum, silfur, gulli, grænum, bláum, bleikum og fjólubláum lit.

Námsþættir: sjónskyn - samhæfing handa og augna - hreyfifærni - litir - samvinna

Hvað prófunaraðilar Practical Pre-School Award sögðu:

"Börnin gátu borið þá, jafnvel þó þeir væru frekar þungir, eflir hreyfifærni. Þau rúlluðu þeim til hvors annars og skynörvunin og litirnir virkuðu mjög vel með einhverfu barni. Þau notuðu þá í mismunandi tilgangi og þau elskuðu að horfa á glimmerið hreyfast inni í boltunum."

Stærð: 65 mm í þvermál. Pk7.

Aldur: Hentar frá 12 mánaða aldri.


A perfect resource for young children with fascinating sparkling stardust which swirls around the inside of the balls as they are moved. Ideal for boys and girls, captivating the imagination and improving concentration skills. 

Set of 7 in red, silver, gold, green, blue, pink & purple.


Supports the following areas of learning:

• Understanding the World - color
• Personal Development - sensory
• Physical Development - hand-eye coordination
• Physical Development - motor skills


What the Practical Pre-School Award testers said:

"The children were able to carry them, even though they are quite heavy, so the physical development and building muscle strength was good. They rolled them to each other and the sensory elements and colors worked very well with an autistic child. They used them for different purposes, e.g. for 'treasure' and they loved watching the glitter move around inside the balls."

Size: 65mm dia. Pk7.

Age: Suitable from 12 months.

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