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Stór skynörvunar bolti

Stór skynörvunar bolti

Regular price 5.290 kr
Regular price Sale price 5.290 kr
Útsala Uppselt
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Stór, gegnsær uppblásanlegur bolti frá Tickit® með fínlegri áferð á yfirborðinu, inniheldur þúsundir lítilla plastkúla sem skrölta og dansa þegar boltinn hreyfist. Tilvalið fyrir  leiki þar sem börn geta rúllað eða gefið boltann til hvors annars. Einnig hægt að nota á rólegum stundum til að bæta einbeitingu og athygli.

Námsþættir: samhæfing - hreyfifærni - samskipti - leikur - samvinna

Þarfnast uppblásturs. Þvermál: 350 mm.

Aldur: Hentar fyrir allar aldurshópa.


A large clear inflatable ball with a subtle textured surface, containing thousands of tiny colorful plastic beads which rattle and dance as the ball is pushed and rolled about. Ideal for gentle, controlled physical play where children can roll or pass the ball to each other. Can also be used or for quiet periods, improving focus and concentration.

0m+ logo   

Supports the following areas of learning:

• Physical Development - hand-eye coordination
• Physical Development - motor skills
• Personal Development - sensory
• Personal Development - collaborative play

Requires inflation. Dia. 350mm.

Age: Suitable for all ages.

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