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ARK Therapeutic

ARK® - Z Grabber

ARK® - Z Grabber

Regular price 8.990 kr
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Z-Grabber® frá ARK sameinar kosti Z-Vibe® og Grabber® í einu verkfæri, sem gerir það einstaklega fjölhæft fyrir meðferð og þjálfun. Þetta nýstárlega tæki sameinar titrings- og skynörvun Z-Vibe® við  eiginleika Grabber®-lykkjunnar sem er tengd við handfangið.

Innihald og aukahlutir:

  • Selt með einum „Textured Bite-n-Chew Tip XL“ oddi. Aðrir oddar seldir sér. Allir Z-Vibe® oddar eru einnig samhæfðir við Z-Grabber®.
  • Inniheldur sérstaka titringsrafhlöðu (við mælum með að kaupa varahlut í viðbót).


  • Framleitt í Bandaríkjunum úr læknisfræðilega samþykktum efnum sem uppfylla FDA-kröfur.
  • Inniheldur ekki blý, PVC, BPA, þalöt eða latex.


  • Til að kveikja á tækinu: Snúðu Switch Tip varlega í handfangið þar til tækið byrjar að titra (ekki herða of mikið).
  • Hentar einstaklingum á öllum aldri, en ætti alltaf að vera notað undir leiðsögn fagmanns eða þjálfaðs umönnunaraðila.

Varúð: Z-Grabber® er ekki leikfang. Þetta er meðferðarverkfæri sem á eingöngu að nota af fagfólki eða foreldrum sem hafa fengið tilsögn frá þjálfara. Tækið inniheldur smáhluti (þ.m.t. rafhlöðu) sem geta skapað köfnunarhættu: fullorðnir skulu fylgjast með notkun þess á öllum tímum.


Get the best of both worlds with ARK's Z-Grabber® - an innovative oral motor tool that combines the benefits of both the Z-Vibe® and the Grabber®. Enjoy all the versatility of the Z-Vibe® plus the added bonus of a chewable "Grabber" loop attached to the handle.

For individuals who crave vibration and sensory stimulation from the Z-Vibe®, use the Z-Grabber® to transition them into working on biting and chewing skills with the textured tip and chewable loop. For individuals who enjoy tactile input from the Grabber®, use the Z-Grabber® for added sensory input and to transition them into using the various tips of the Z-Vibe® to work on speech and feeding skills. The loop can also be used as a handle for added convenience.

The Z-Grabber® is sold with one Textured Bite-n-Chew Tip XL. Other tips sold separately. All tips for the Z-Vibe are also compatible with the Z-Grabber.

Made in the USA, medical grade, FDA compliant
NO lead, phthalates, PVC, BPA, or latex

Battery included (please note: this is a special Vibe Battery not sold in stores - we recommend buying a spare via the pull-down menu above)

To turn the unit on, twist the Switch Tip into the handle *just* until it starts to vibrate (please do not overtighten!).

Recommended for individuals of all ages and abilities under the guidance of a therapist or a trained caregivertriangle

Caution: the Z-Grabber is NOT a toy. It is a therapeutic tool intended to be used by a professional therapist (or by parents trained by their therapist). It contains small parts (including a battery) that may pose a choking hazard: direct adult supervision is required at all times.


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